To fully utilize the App & Discounts, it's essential to integrate the Discount Depot Code Script into your theme.
Please follow these straightforward instructions to activate it effectively.
1. Login to your Shopify Store Admin and navigate to the Discount Depot App by clicking on the Sales Channels link in the left menu.
2. Once the Dashboard loads, click on the "Click to add" button in the Setup Guide.
3. When you click on it, the App Embed Page will appear in a separate window within your theme. The Core Script App Embed Block is typically enabled by default, but if you find it disabled, please ensure to enable it.
4. Once enabled, remember to click the 'Save' button located at the top right to secure your changes.
You have successfully enabled the Core Script. To verify, visit the App Dashboard and refresh the page. You should see a green tick mark confirming the activation.
Important: To maximize the App's capabilities, you might need to add various App Blocks tailored to your specific needs. Below is a list of the available App Blocks
App Blocks: